Nooku Framework: A new brain for Joomla
At the core of Joomla, there’s a framework. It’s the engine that powers all of Joomla, and a lot of the third-party extensions. It’s great platform, but sites today are more demanding, and extensions require more power. We felt it was time to build a new brain for Joomla.
Nooku Framework can be installed in Joomla as a plugin. As a developer, you can now build your extensions using Nooku’s intuitive API. Because the framework handles most of the work, you’ll need only a fraction of the amount of code. You can focus on what really matters: business logic and the user experience.
But there’s more: Nooku Framework provides you with excellent out-of-the-box security features. The great design patterns based architecture makes your extension very flexible: all your code automatically becomes re-usable, extensible and replaceable. We believe Nooku Framework is the boost Joomla needs to keep competing.